1. Once logged in click “Customers” on the black banner

  1. Use the search box on the right hand side of the screen, right above your customer list to look up the customer details. Use complete key words like Name, street address, Phone Number etc.

  1. Once after searching the customer click on the edit button towards the right side of the customer account.

  1. Once after clicking the edit symbol you should be directed to the following screen for the customer.

  1. Click on Attachments to access the tab on the customer window.

  1. On the attachments tab you find 2 different sections titled Job Ticket Attachments & Customer’s Attachments.

  1. The Job Tickets Attachments are populated here from the ticket creation screen which is uploaded by the Administrators & Dispatchers.The Customer Attachments can be added from the “Add Attachment” button towards the right.

  1. Click on “Add Attachment” & select the file to upload. Maximum acceptable file size =< to 12 MB.