There are 2 types of Time Cards that can be added in SmartServ:

    1. Ticket specific Time Card

    2. Custom Time Card

You can add the time card in two ways, one with specific to a ticket and one by choosing a job ticket from a list of options. 


       1. Go to "Time Cards" tab of Task Calendar. 

       2. Add the time card by selecting the “+” on Card List.

3. Click on the "Select a Ticket" dropdown.

4. Select a ticket from the dropdown menu.

Note: Multiple tickets may be available to select; so make sure you select the correct ticket number.

5. Once the ticket is selected, enter the payroll item and class from the dropdown.  (The payroll item and class should be added from the web to come up in the dropdown)

i)      Payroll Item: Regular Hours, PTO, After Hours etc.

ii)     Class: Whether you want to mark a class to the timecard. for eg. Plumbing, Heating etc.

iii)    Ticket: You will need to select the ticket from the drop down for which you are submitting the time

iv)    Travel Time: Used to calculate your travel time

v)     Lunch Break: Total Lunch Break

vi)    Clock In: When you clock'd in on the job

vii)   Clock Out: When you clock'd out of the job

viii)  Flat Rate: This is used for QuickBooks Mapping.

6. The technician can click in start logging travel time when they are leaving for the job and click on stop logging travel time when they reach the destination. 

7. The clock in and clock out time is the amount of time spent on a job. The total job time will be displayed at the bottom of the page under "Total hours at work" which is calculated from the clock in and clock out time. 

8. You can also enter the flat rate item from the dropdown. 

9. Once done, hit on Save to save the time card. 

*All the time cards saved here will come up on the web where the dispatcher can approve or decline accordingly.

Until either of the above is done , the time card will be in Pending status.


1. Go to specific ticket and click on "Create/Edit time card".

2. Add the time card by selecting the “+” at the top right corner of the screen.

3. Note that here you won't be able to select the ticket as you are already in a specific ticket.

4. Rest of the process to create a time card is the same as above .

The time cards you see below will be the time cards submitted by you for this specific ticket. 


Creating Custom tasks could be useful if the customer wishes to have additional work done. 

**This option is available only when we are creating a generic time card by choosing a ticket from the dropdown.

1. Go to "Time Cards" tab of Task Calendar. 

2. Add the time card by selecting the "+" on Card List.

3. Click on the "Custom Task" button. 

4. Enter Task (for example pick up goods from inventory), Service Item ID (usually mentioned by the office), Travel Time, etc.

5. Click "Save" at the bottom of the page when you are finished.

You can view the list of all time cards created for a particular ticket.

All Approved Time Cards are displayed with a GREEN check-mark.

All Disapproved Time Cards are displayed with a RED cross.

"Show All Time Cards" will show all the approved, pending, declined and incomplete time cards.

The incomplete time cards are those in which Technician has logged the clock in time but not the clock out time. 

Feel free to email us at or call us at (206) 826-9074.